clear clc % addpath('spacar') %have this point to the folder where spacar is located %some dimensions L = 0.1; %[m] W = 0.05; %[m] %% NODE POSITIONS nodes = [0 0 0; %node 1 0 L 0; %node 2 W L 0; %node 3 W 0 0]; %node 4 %% ELEMENT CONNECTIVITY elements= [1 2; %leafspring between node 1 and 2 2 3; %intermediate body 3 4]; %leafspring between node 3 and 4 %% NODE PROPERTIES nprops(1).fix = true; %fix node 1 nprops(4).fix = true; %fix node 4 nprops(2).displ_initial_x =-0.01; %start with node 2 displaced 10 mm to the left nprops(2).displ_x = 0.02; %displace node 2 20 mm to the right nprops(2).force_initial = [0 0 5]; %initial load of 5N in z-direction on node 2 nprops(3).force_initial = [0 0 5]; %initial load of 5N in z-direction on node 3 %% ELEMENT PROPERTIES %first element property set eprops(1).elems = [1 3]; %assing property set 1 to elements 1 and 3 eprops(1).emod = 210e9; %E-modulus [Pa] eprops(1).smod = 70e9; %shear modulus [Pa] eprops(1).dens = 7800; %density [kg/m^3] eprops(1).dim = [0.05 0.0005]; %cross-sectional dimension (width and thickness, resp.) [m] eprops(1).cshape = 'rect'; %rectangular cross-sectional shape eprops(1).flex = [2 3 4]; %flexible deformations: torsion (2) and out-of-plane bending (3,4) eprops(1).orien = [0 0 1]; %width-direction of leafspring oriented in z-direction eprops(1).color = [0.8549 0.8588 0.8667]; %color in rgb values between 0 and 1 %second element property set eprops(2).elems = [2]; %assing property set 2 to element 2 eprops(2).dens = 2700; %density [kg/m^3] eprops(2).dim = [0.05 0.025]; %cross-sectional dimension (width and thickness, resp.) [m] eprops(2).cshape = 'rect'; %rectangular cross-sectional shape eprops(2).orien = [0 0 1]; %width-direction of leafspring oriented in z-direction eprops(2).color = [0.1686 0.3922 0.6627]; %color in rgb values between 0 and 1 %% DO SIMULATION out = spacarlight(nodes,elements,nprops,eprops);